Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Just woke up, on my way to get a cup of juice, i stepped on a lego piece, may have just woken the neighborhood with a really loud FUUUUUUUUUUU.

Lego is like the household caltrop, how many of you have actually stood on a lego piece? how did it happen? and how did you react?


  1. Stood on lego plenty of times, still did not change my love for it haha. Everyone loves lego

  2. lol, i always used to make whatever the hell i wanted. i never read the instructions and never made what i was supposed to make

  3. i remember my sister puking in our lego box when i was little. legos were never the same after that =*(

  4. Man, i still have a HUGE box of lego, and finding pieces to build stuff was always the hardest part...

  5. This was back in my childhood and it was the Chinese Lego. From this I was more painful

  6. Hahaha. That used to happen to me all the time. Fortunately, my brilliant mother thought of a quick way to clean up after me playing with legos. I was only allowed to play with them on a large blanket, so after I was done, clean up was rather easy. Just pick up the blanket and brush all the pieces into the bin! Good times.

  7. This is very accurate unfortunately haha. Nevertheless, I loved my Legos <3

  8. how does a little block hurt so much! it is crazy

  9. I remember one time that my feet stood so hard, and i was bleeding lol
